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Saturday 13 August 2016

Watch Gintama


The Amanto, aliens from outer space, have invaded Earth and taken over feudal Japan. As a result, a prohibition on swords has been established, and the samurai of Japan are treated with disregard as a consequence.

However one man, Gintoki Sakata, still possesses the heart of the samurai, although from his love of sweets and work as a yorozuya, one might not expect it. Accompanying him in his jack-of-all-trades line of work are Shinpachi Shimura, a boy with glasses and a strong heart, Kagura with her umbrella and seemingly bottomless stomach, as well as Sadaharu, their oversized pet dog. Of course, these odd jobs are not always simple, as they frequently have run-ins with the police, ragtag rebels, and assassins, oftentimes leading to humorous but unfortunate consequences.
Who said life as an errand boy was easy

Gintama complete episodes list 

1 x 1 You Guys !! Do You Even Have a Gintama? (1)

1 x 2 You Guys !! Do You Even Have a Gintama? (2)

1 x 3 Nobody with Naturally Wavy Hair Can be That Bad!

1 x 4 Watch Out! Weekly Shonen Jump Sometimes Comes Out on Saturdays!

1 x 5 Make Friends You Can Call by Their Nicknames, Even When You're an Old Fart!

1 x 6 Keep Your Promise Even If It Kills You

1 x 7 Responsible Owners Should Clean Up After Their Pets!

1 x 8 There Is Butt a Fine Line Between Persistence and Stubbornness

1 x 9 Fighting Should Be Done With Fists!

1 x 10 Eat Something Sour When You're Tired!

1 x 11 Look, Overly Sticky Sweet Dumplings Are Not Real Dumplings, You Idiot!

1 x 12 People Who Make Good First Impressions Usually Suck!

1 x 13 If You're Going to Cosplay, Go All Out!
1 x 14 Boys Have a Weird Ritual that Makes Them Think They Turn Into Men When They Touch Frogs! / You Only Gotta Wash Under Your Armpits - Just the Armpits
1 x 15 Pets Resemble Their Owners!
1 x 16 If You Stop and Think About It, Your Life's a Lot Longer as an Old Guy Than a Kid! Whoa, Scary !!
1 x 17 Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes
1 x 18 Oh Yeah! Our Crib is Number One!
1 x 19 Why's the Sea So Salty? Because You City Folk Pee Whenever You Go Swimming!
1 x 20 Watch Out For Conveyor Belts!
1 x 21 If You're a Man, Try the Swordfish / If You Go to Sleep With the Fan On, You'll Get a Stomachache, So Be Careful
1 x 22 Marriage is Prolonging an Illusion for Your Whole Life
1 x 23 When You're In a Fix, Keep On Laughing, Laughing ...
1 x 24 Cute Faces Are Always Hiding Something
1 x 25 A Shared Soup Pot is a Microcosm of Life
1 x 26 Do not Be Shy - Just Raise Your Hand and Say It
1 x 27 Some Things Can not Be Cut with a Sword
1 x 28 Good Things Never Come in Twos (but Bad Things Do)
1 x 29 Do not Panic - There's a Return Policy! / I Told You to Pay Attention to the News!
1 x 30 Even Teen Idols Act Like You Guys
1 x 31 You Always Remember the Things that Matter the Least
1 x 32 Life Moves on Like a Conveyor Belt
1 x 33 Mistaking Someone's Name is Rude!
1 x 34 Love Does not Require a Manual (1)
1 x 35 Love Does not Require a Manual (2) / You Can not Judge a Person by His Appearance, Either
1 x 36 People with Dark Pasts Can not Shut Up
1 x 37 People Who Say that Santa Does not Really Exist Actually Want to Believe in Him / Prayer Will not Make Your Worldly Desires Go Away! Control Yourself
1 x 38 Only Children Play in the Snow / During Winter, Eating Ice-cream Is Sweet
1 x 39 Ramen Shops with Long Menus Never Do Well
1 x 40 Give a Thought to Planned Pregnancy
1 x 41 You Can not Judge a Movie by Its Title
1 x 42 You Know What Happens if You Pee on a Worm
1 x 43 Make Characters So Anybody Can Tell Who They Are by Just Their Silhouettes
1 x 44 Mom's Busy, Too, So Quit Complaining About What's for Dinner
1 x 45 Walk Your Dog at an Appropriate Speed
1 x 46 Adults Only. We Would not Want Anyone Immature in Here
1 x 47 Do Cherries Come from Cherry Trees?
1 x 48 The More You're Alike, the More You Fight / Why Do You Use That Useless Negativity?
1 x 49 A Life Without Gambling is Like Sushi Without Wasabi
2 x 1 "Once Upon a Time in China-Girl Gintama" or "Pending Means Pending, It's Not Final"
2 x 2 Milk Should Be Served at Body Temperature
2 x 3 If You Want to See Someone, Make an Appo First
2 x 4 Stress Makes You Bald, but It's Stressful to Avoid Stress, So You End Up Stressed Out Anyway, So in the End There's Nothing You Can Do
2 x 5 Mothers Everywhere Are All the Same
2 x 6 Do not Make Munching Noises When You Eat
2 x 7 Keep an Eye on the Chief for the Day
2 x 8 When Looking for Something You've Lost, Remember What You Were Doing on the Day You Lost It
2 x 9 Croquette Sandwiches Are Always the Most Popular Food Sold at the Stalls
2 x 10 Be Careful Not to Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere
2 x 11 The Sun Will Rise Again
2 x 12 On a Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn to the Light
2 x 13 Even Mummy Hunters Sometimes Turn into Mummys
2 x 14 The Preview Section in JUMP is Always Unreliable
2 x 15 Eating Nmaibo Can Make You Full in No Time!
2 x 16 Rhinoceros Beetles Teach Boys that Life is Precious
2 x 17 Dango Over Flowers
2 x 18 For the Wind Is the Life / Minami-chan is Indeed the Ideal Girlfriend
2 x 19 Like a Haunted House, Life is Filled with Horrors
2 x 20 Please Help by Separating Your Trash
2 x 21 Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick
2 x 22 Some Data Can not Be Erased
2 x 23 A Dog's Paws Smell Fragrant / Drive With a "Might" Attitude
2 x 24 Think for a Minute Now, Do Matsutake Mushrooms Really Taste All that Good?
2 x 25 The Manga Writer Becomes a Pro, After Doing a Stock of Manuscript
2 x 26 Do not Complain About Your Job at Home, Do It Somewhere Else
2 x 27 In Those Situations, Keep Quiet and Cook Red Rice With Beans
2 x 28 Yesterday's Enemy, After All Is Said and Done, Is Still the Enemy
2 x 29 People Who Are Picky About Food Are Picky About People, Too
2 x 30 Four Heads are Better than One
2 x 31 When Someone Who Wears Glasses Takes Them Off, It Looks Like Something's Missing
2 x 32 A Woman's Best Make-up Is Her Smile
2 x 33 You Say Kawaii so Often, You Must Really Think You're Cute Stuff
2 x 34 Rank Has Nothing to Do With Luck
2 x 35 Hard-boiled Egg on a Man's Heart
2 x 36 Hard-Boiled Eggs Do not Crack
2 x 37 It's Often Difficult to Sleep When You're Engrossed With Counting Sheep
2 x 38 Perform a German Suplex on a Woman Who Asks If She or the Job Is More Important
2 x 39 The Most Exciting Part of a Group Date is Before it Starts
2 x 40 What Happens Twice, Happens Thrice
2 x 41 The More Delicious the Food, the Nastier It Is When It Goes Bad
2 x 42 If You Want To Lose Weight, Then Stop Eating and Start Moving
2 x 43 Be a Person Who Can See People's Strong Points and Not Their Weak Points
2 x 44 Even a Hero Has Issues
2 x 45 When Riding A Train, Make Sure You Grab the Straps With Both Hands
2 x 46 Men, Be a Madao
2 x 47 If You're a Man, Do not Give Up
2 x 48 Exaggerate the Tales of Your Exploits by a Third, So Everyone Has a Good Time / Men Have a Weakness for Girls Who Sell Flowers and Work in Pastry Shops
2 x 49 Play Video Games for Only an Hour a Day
2 x 50 Life and Video Games are Full of Bugs
3 x 1 The More Something Is Disliked, the More Lovely It Is
3 x 2 Rules Are Made to be Broken
3 x 3 Otaku Are Talkative
3 x 4 There's a Thin Line Between Strengths and Weaknesses
3 x 5 Important Things Are Hard To See
3 x 6 It's All About the Beat and Timing
3 x 7 Love Is Often Played Out In Sudden Death
3 x 8 Kids Do not Understand How Their Parents Feel
3 x 9 Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid
3 x 10 Life is a Test
3 x 11 People Are All Escapees of Their Own Inner Prisons
3 x 12 Definitely Do Not Let Your Girlfriend See the Things You Use for Cross-Dressing / There's Almost a 100% Chance You'll Forget Your Umbrella and Hate Yourself For It
3 x 13 A Birthday in Your Twenties Has No Deep Meaning / Lucky Is a Man Who Gets Up and Goes to Work
3 x 14 Cleaning the Toilet Cleanses the Soul
3 x 15 They Say Soy Sauce On Pudding Tastes Like Sea Urchin, But Soy Sauce On Pudding Only Tastes Like Pudding and Soy Sauce
3 x 16 Summer Vacation is the Most Fun Right Before It Begins
3 x 17 The Older, The Wiser
3 x 18 Beauty is Like a Summer Fruit
3 x 19 Even if Your Back is Bent, Go Straight Forward
3 x 20 Within Each Box of Cigarettes, Are One or Two Cigarettes That Smell Like Horse Dung
3 x 21 Japanese Restaurants Abroad Taste Pretty Much Like School Cafeteria Lunches / Once You've Chosen a Dish, You Can not Give it Back
3 x 22 Novices Only Need a Flathead and a Phillips
3 x 23 Imagination Is Nurtured In the 8th Grade
3 x 24 Always Keep a Screwdriver In Your Heart
3 x 25 When Nagging Goes Too Far It Becomes Intimidating
3 x 26 Entering the Final Chapter!
3 x 27 Some Things Can Only Be Conveyed Through the Written Word
3 x 28 Sometimes You Must Meet to Understand
3 x 29 Sometimes You Can not Tell Just By Meeting Someone
3 x 30 Beware of Food You Pick Up Off the Ground
3 x 31 Cat Lovers and Dog Lovers Are Mutually Exclusive
3 x 32 Fights Often Ensue During Trips
3 x 33 Briefs Will Unavoidably Get Skidmarks
3 x 34 Gin and His Excellency's Good For Nothing
3 x 35 Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories
3 x 36 Before Thinking About the Earth, Think About the More Endangered Gintaman's Future!
3 x 37 It's Your House, You Build It
3 x 38 99% of Men Are Not Confident in Confessing Their Love
3 x 39 Why Not Talk About the Old Days for a Change?
3 x 40 Do not Put Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket
3 x 41 Beware of Those Who Use an Umbrella on a Sunny Day!
3 x 42 Butting Into a Fight Is Dangerous
3 x 43 Life Is About Making Consecutive Decisions
3 x 44 Those Who Stand On Four Legs Are Beasts. Those Who Stand on Two Legs, Guts, and Glory, Are Men
3 x 45 Do not Trust Bedtime Stories
3 x 46 The Color for Each Person's Bond Comes in Various Colors
3 x 47 The Taste of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special
3 x 48 All Adults are Instructors for All Children
3 x 49 Zip Up Your Fly Nice and Slowly
3 x 50 When Breaking a Chuubert in Half, the End with the Knob Should Be Better. It's Also Tasty to Drink from There
3 x 51 If You Can not Beat Them, Join Them
4 x 1 A Conversation With a Barber During a Haircut is The Most Pointless Thing in The World
4 x 2 The Heavens Created Chonmage Above Man Instead of Another Man
4 x 3 Sleep Helps a Child Grow
4 x 4 That Person Looks Different from Usual During a Birthday Party
4 x 5 The Other Side of the Other Side of the Other Side Would Be the Other Side
4 x 6 It Takes a Bit of Courage to Enter a Street Vendor's Stand
4 x 7 Any Place Can Become a Battlefield When Men Gather
4 x 8 If a Friend Gets Injured, Take Him to the Hospital, Stat!
4 x 9 If One Orange in the Box is Rotten, the Rest of Them Will Become Rotten Before You Realize It!
4 x 10 From a Foreigner's Perspective, You're the Foreigner. From an Alien's Perspective, You're the Alien
4 x 11 Laputa's Still Good After Seeing It So Many Times
4 x 12 Love Is Unconditional
4 x 13 The Black Ships Even Make A Scene When They Sink
4 x 14 That Matsutake Soup Stuff Tastes Better than the Real Deal / If a Person Is Dead, They Can not Come Back to Life
4 x 15 If It Works Once, It'll Work Over And Over Again
4 x 16 Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One
4 x 17 Smooth Polygons Smooth Men's Hearts Too
4 x 18 A Human Body Is Like a Little Universe
4 x 19 The Chosen Idiots
4 x 20 And into the Legend ...
4 x 21 If You Keep Copying, They Will Retaliate / A Loss Opens Your Eyes to the Love You Have
4 x 22 Using the Carrot and the Stick Method Depends on the Situation
4 x 23 It's What's On The Inside That Counts / It's What's On The Inside That Counts, But Only To A Certain Extent
4 x 24 Are There Still People Who Go to the Ocean and Yell "Bakayaro!"? / When a Person Is Trapped, Their Inner Door Opens
4 x 25 No Matter How Old You Get, You Still Hate the Dentist
4 x 26 Countdown Begins
Special Jump Anime Tour 2008: Birth of White Demon
4 x 27 It's Bad Luck to See a Spider at Night
4 x 28 Once You're Entangled in a Spiderweb, It's Hard to Get It Off
4 x 29 It's the Irresponsible One Who's Scary When Pissed
4 x 30 The More Precious the Burden, The Heavier and More Difficult it is to Shoulder
4 x 31 Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink
4 x 32 Screw Popularity Votes
4 x 33 Popularity Polls Can Burn in Hell
4 x 34 Popularity Polls Can ...
4 x 35 Hometowns and Boobs Are Best Thought of from Afar / The Whole Peeing on a Bee Sting Is a Myth. You'll Get Germs, So Do not Do It !!
4 x 36 Beware of Foreshadows
4 x 37 It's Goodbye Once a Flag Is Set
4 x 38 An Observation Journal Should Be Seen Through To The Very End
4 x 39 We Know It's Best to Finish Yearly Tasks Before the End of the Year, But then You Put It Off Till Next Year for a Fresh Start. That's How the End of the Year Goes / Radio Exercises are Socials for Boys and Girls
4 x 40 When Looking for Something, Try Using its Perspective
4 x 41 Freedom Means to Live True to Yourself, not Without Law!
4 x 42 Kabukicho Stray Cat Blues
4 x 43 Cooking Is About Guts
4 x 44 Whenever I Hear Leviathan, I Think of Sazae-san. Stupid Me !!
4 x 45 Not Losing to the Rain
4 x 46 Not Losing to the Wind
4 x 47 Not Losing to the Storm
4 x 48 Never Losing That Smile
4 x 49 That's How I Wish to Be, Beautiful and Strong
4 x 50 Santa Claus Red Is Blood Red
4 x 51 Everybody's a Santa!
Special Spring Festival 2010
Special Gintama: The Movie
Special Benizakura Arc Special
5 x 1 Everyone Looks a Little Grown Up After Spring Break
5 x 2 Everyone Looks Pretty Grown Up After Summer Break
5 x 3 Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year Cards / The Heart Comes Before Chocolate
5 x 4 Meals Should Be Balanced / We Are All Warriors in the Battle Against Fate
5 x 5 It's Too Confusing When Talking About the Poster Girl for a Poster Store, So Call Her a Sandwich Board
5 x 6 Glasses Are Part of the Soul
5 x 7 Glasses Prevent You From Seeing Certain Things
5 x 8 Nothing Lasts Forever, Including Parents, Money, Youth, Your Room, Dress Shirts, Me, You and the Gintama Anime
5 x 9 A Lawless Town Tend To Attract a Bunch of Whoohooey Folk
5 x 10 Ghosts Are not The Only Ones Who Run Wild Around Graveyards
5 x 11 Chains Of a Warrior
5 x 12 Iron Town
5 x 13 'Tis An Honor!
5 x 14 Odds or Even
5 x 15 I Can not Remember a Damn Thing About the Factory Tour
5 x 16 What Happen Twice Can Happen Thrice
5 x 17 The Pincers of Crab Can Snip Through a Friendship
5 x 18 People Forget to Return Stuff All The Time Without Even Realizing It
5 x 19 The Bathhouse, Where You're Naked In Body And Soul
5 x 20 Jugem
5 x 21 The Name Reveals the Person
5 x 22 The Man's Household Situation Is Hard, His Heart Is Soft
5 x 23 Blue And Red Ecstasy
5 x 24 So In The Second Season Of Prison Break, They Already Broke Out Of Prison, But The Name Works When You Realize That Society Is A Prison
5 x 25 Everybody Loves Pajamas
5 x 26 Speaking Of Crossovers, Do not Forget About Alien Vs Predator
5 x 27 Love is Neither Plus No Minus
5 x 28 Making It Through Love
5 x 29 It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound Like a Text Message Subject
5 x 30 When You Go to a Funeral for the First Time, You're Surprised By How Happy the People Are
5 x 31 The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them
5 x 32 The Legendary Mercenary Tribe, Renho. Elizabeth Was in Fact, One of Those White Demons
5 x 33 Piggy Banks and Trash Cans
5 x 34 Empty Planet
5 x 35 Goodbye Lionel, Why Do not You Say Something!
5 x 36 Please Take Me Skiing
5 x 37 A Vacation in Disorientation
5 x 38 There are Some Things You Should Not Forget When Drinking away the Past Year at Year-end Parties
5 x 39 People Can Only Live By Forgetting the Bad
5 x 40 We Are All Hosts, In Capital Letters
5 x 41 Girls like Vegeta, Guys like Piccolo
5 x 42 Draw Your Life on the Canvas We Call Manga
5 x 43 Check It Out!
5 x 44 Thorny and Rosy
5 x 45 Festival of Thornies
5 x 46 Letter From Thorny
5 x 47 Madaodog Madaonaire
5 x 48 Presents Are Meant To Be Given Early
5 x 49 New Year's Envelopes Are Perfect for Dirty Jokes
5 x 50 When Sleeping Under a Kotatsu, Make Sure You Do not Burn Your Balls
5 x 51 We're Sorry
Special Sakura Festival 2011
Special The Best of Gintama on Theater 2D: Shinsengumi Crisis Arc
Special The Best of Gintama on Theater 2D: Four Devas Arc
6 x 1 Nobody with Natural Straight Hair Can Be That Bad
6 x 2 Kintoki and Gintoki
6 x 3 Kin-san's Kintama
6 x 4 The Meaning of a Main Character
6 x 5 Courtesan Turns the Tables
6 x 6 Inside the Palace !!
6 x 7 Five Pinkies
6 x 8 Pinky Swear
6 x 9 Unsetting Moon
6 x 10 The Sound of a Beam Can Pierce Every Heart
6 x 11 Two Brothers
6 x 12 Liquor and Gasoline, Smiles and Tears
6 x 13 Dog Food Does not Taste Like You Think
Special Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Odd Jobs Forever
Special Zenya Festival 2013
Special Jump Festa 2014 Special
7 x 1 You Can Never Pause at the Perfect Time
7 x 2 Even a Matsui Stick Can not Handle Some Kinds of Dirt
7 x 3 An Inspector's Love Begins With an Inspection
7 x 4 Forget Dates, Remember People / You Can Hide Your Porn Mags, But You Can not Hide Your ***
7 x 5 A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides / Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License
7 x 6 Arriving Late to a Reunion Makes it Hard to Enter
7 x 7 A Reunion Also Brings to the Surface Things You Do not Want to Remember
7 x 8 When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets
7 x 9 Guys With Big Nostrils Also Have Big Imaginations / You Never Accept a New Sentai Series at the Start, But By the Final Episode, You Do not Want It to End
7 x 10 9 + 1 = Yagyu Jyubei
7 x 11 Calories Come Back to Bite You Just When You've Forgotten About Them
7 x 12 10 - 1 =
7 x 13 All Mothers Pack Too Much Food Into a Lunch Box and Ruin the Shape
7 x 14 The Reaper by Day and the Reaper by Night
7 x 15 Human or Demon?
7 x 16 Farewell, Reaper
7 x 17 A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes Over and Over
7 x 18 Amen
7 x 19 Being a Leader is Tough
7 x 20 Love is a Roach Motel
7 x 21 A Sizzle Summer / A Nothing Summer 2015
7 x 22 He's the Sweet Tooth, and I'm the Mayo Guy
7 x 23 I'm a Failure as a Leader, and He's Also a Failure as a Leader
7 x 24 I'm Odd Jobs, and He's Shinsengumi
7 x 25 Always Leave Enough Room for Fifty Million in Your Bag
7 x 26 Always Leave Enough Room for Pebbles in Your Bag
7 x 27 Style Goes Out of Fashion the Moment It's Put Into Words / There Are Two Types of People In This World: Those Who Yell Out Their Attack Names, and Those Who Do not
7 x 28 The Two Apes
7 x 29 Afros of Life and Death
7 x 30 Afuro and Wolfro
7 x 31 Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You
7 x 32 Keep Your Farewells Short
7 x 33 One Editor Is Enough / The G-Pen Is Capricious and the Maru Pen Is Stubborn
Special Jump Festa 2015 Special
7 x 34 Strike When the Sword and Overlord are Hot / Oil Rain
7 x 35 Shoguns of Light and Shadow
7 x 36 Ninja Village
7 x 37 Ninja Soul
7 x 38 And Then There Were Five
7 x 39 Those Who Protect Against All Odds
7 x 40 Sworn Enemy
7 x 41 The Crows Caw After the Battle Ends
7 x 42 Farewell, Buddy
7 x 43 The Day the Demon Cried
7 x 44 Heroes Always Arrive Fashionably Late
7 x 45 Lost and Found
7 x 46 Prison Break
7 x 47 Stray Dogs
7 x 48 Undelivered Mail
7 x 49 Karma
7 x 50 Nobume
7 x 51 Farewell Shinsengumi
Special OVA
Special OVA 2

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